Home of Springs, Trengwainton is a 2.5 year digital heritage project started in May 2015. The project will create outputs focussing on the history and knowledge we have explored through creativity, digital participation and interpretation.
The project outputs will be produced in years two and three and will include:
• an interactive documentary (web doc)
• a book
The project will involve the community in:
• workshops
• exhibitions and talks
• a programme for schools
This website is an evolving document which brings together our process of how we are uncovering some of Trengwainton's stories. We are in year two of the project so you will find that over time some of the posts will change as we have more things to add. Join our newsletter to keep informed of events (found on the Home page).
Home of Springs, Trengwainton is produced by Barbara Santi, awen productions CIC
All photos copyright Barbara Santi unless stated.
The Team

Barbara is a documentary filmmaker using film and digital technology. She is a founder director of award-winning company awen productions. Barbara has astute fund-raising skills and over 17 years of professional media experience and rural community participation. Barbara uses inclusive methods in her films and develops collaborative projects with communities to explore the film medium, concepts of place and identity, the rural environment and new storytelling models. In recent years she has also been producing/directing pioneering heritage apps. For more info www.barbarasanti.co.uk.
Barbara is responsible for all aspects of this innovative heritage project at Trengwainton. She will be producing a volunteer led project book, curating exhibitions and directing her first interactive documentary (web doc) which will explore storytelling, history and archive materials.

Nick is a filmmaker, musician and artist. He is founder director of awen productions with over 20 years experience of working with new technology and digital / web based applications.
Nick is a design and technical wizard. For the project he has developed this website and will be making the app and interactive documentary as well as design layout for the book.

Our volunteers are at the heart of the heritage project. Their knowledge of local history and keen interest to research draws together the different aspects of Trengwainton's past and present. Our regular Friday afternoon research sessions are held at the 'Gardener's Cottage' at Trengwainton where we discuss, plan and drink a lot of tea!

Dom is an artist and designer interested in collaboration, movement and surf. Dom works in the field of multidisciplinary design with a focus on Co and Community Design, Digital and Open Source design. For more info www.ecogeographer.com.
For the Trengwainton project Dom is designing four seasonal sketches to be used in publicity as well as designing the look and feel of the overall publicity materials. Dom will be running some of the educational workshops and will be supporting the botanical painter Mally Francis during a 3 day botanical art course she will be delivering for us in March 2016.

Jane Bailey is a contemporary artist, interdisciplinary researcher and educator. Jane’s art practice explores connections between people and their lived environments, employing participation and collaboration as key modes of working.
Jane will be running a series of five one-day workshops exploring the horticultural heritage of Trengwainton garden through mixed-media, multisensory, creative works. You can read about some of the workshops here.
Without the support of the following organisations and partners our heritage project would not have been possible.